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Enables integration between Odoo and Netvisor accounting system.

Table of contents



Odoo to Netvisor connector
This module enables several operations like Send Sales Invoices, Fetch Purchase Invoices, and Fetch Sales Invoices between Odoo and Netvisor Accounting system.




  • Send/Upload Sales Invoices from Odoo to Netvisor system.
  • Fetch Purchase Invoices from Netvisor to Odoo.
  • Fetch Sales Invoices' Status (Fetch payment records of invoices from Netvisor to Odoo.)
  • Create new Customers and Products in Netvisor during sending/uploading if they don't already exist.
  • Create new Partners while fetching from Netvisor to Odoo if they don't already exist.
  • Scheduled action (cron) to periodically fetch purchase invoices from Netvisor to Odoo.
  • Scheduled action (cron) to periodically fetch sales invoice status (payment records) from Netvisor to Odoo.
  • Manual functions for 'Fetch Purchase Invoice' and 'Fetch Sales Invoice Status' also available with a specified period.

Configuration [back]

In case you need a test environment, it can be ordered here:

API User ID and User Keys are generated in Netvisor. Guide can be found here:

Go to "Integration App -> Configuration -> Netvisor Integration -> Connection Settings" and create a new configuration either using test credentials or production sample below:

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Press the "TEST CONNECTION" button to verify that everything is correctly configured.

After configuring a connection, it needs to be assigned to a company. Go to "Settings -> User & Companies -> Companies Settings -> Update Info -> Go to Netvisor Tab -> Select the Netvisor Connection.

If payment synchronization is going to be used, it is strongly recommended to change the outstanding receipts and outstanding payments accounts on the bank and cash journals. By default Odoo will add payments first to outstanding accounts, which will set the invoice in the 'In Payment' state. This state is useful when Odoo reconciliation is used but when using an external connector it just creates problems since the reconciliation happens in the external system and not Odoo.

To make invoices go directly to 'Paid' instead of 'In Payment' state, go through all the bank and cash journals and set the outstanding account to a bank account or cash account respectively. This needs to be done for BOTH 'Incoming Payments' and 'Outgoing payments':

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Message Options [back]

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The Message Options tab is the main configuration panel for the connector and should be thoroughly checked for every setup. It is also recommended to periodically review these settings since there may be new features added.

Detailed documentation of every setting can be seen by hovering over the question mark in the user interface.

NB! Using the "Open" setting under "Invoice status" requires that the "SEND & PRINT" button is pressed in Odoo.
Using the "Unsent" mode allows direct sending once the invoice has been posted.

NB! In case you do not wish to use odoo product ids and use the Netvisor "TEMP" generic product instead, you may need
to re-create the "TEMP" product in Netvisor. The Netvisor system may complain that it already exists but for unknown reasons
you may still need it twice or receive this error: "Product not found: temp"

Fetching Options [back]

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1. Fetching Purchase Invoices:

  • Last date of purchase invoices fetched from Netvisor: The latest date when the invoices been fetched.
  • Number of purchase invoices retrieved during last fetch: Counter for fetched invoices during the latest fetch.
  • Fetch purchase invoices since: If the date is set, then it will fetch the invoices since this date.
  • In Factual Verification Only?: Fetch invoices which are only available in 'In Factual Verification' state in the Netvisor System.
  • Fetch Invoices with Attachments?: The option to retrieve attachments to the purchase invoices to be retrieved. Note that this may cause the retrieval process to take longer.
  • BUTTON-'Fetch Purchase Invoices': Fetch purchase invoices manually anytime.

2. Fetching Sales Invoices Status:

  • Last Sales Invoices Fetch Date: The latest date when the status of the invoices been fetched.
  • Number of Invoices Status Updated during last fetch: Counter for fetched invoices status during the latest fetch.
  • Fetching Start Date: Set start date to fetch invoice status since from date.
  • Fetching End Date: Set start date to fetch invoice status since to date.
  • BUTTON-'Fetch Sales Invoices Status': Fetch sales invoices' status (payments) manually.

Send Sales Invoice to Netvisor [back]

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After posting and sending the Invoice, a button 'Send to Netvisor' becomes available on the Sales Invoice form.
Once you have configured the "Vat Code Type" on all the Odoo taxes you wish yo use, the Invoice can be sent to Netvisor.
Note: Netvisor has to have the Accounts and Taxes already created.

Send Multiple Sales Invoices to Netvisor [back]

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Also multiple Sales Invoices can be sent to Netvisor at once.
Go to list view -> select the invoices that you want to send -> Go to Action -> Send Selected Invoices to Netvisor.

Open in Netvisor & Update Netvisor Status [back]

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1. Open Invoice in Netvisor: Once the invoice is sent to netvisor. This button will be visible. It will redirect to the netvisor's invoice form, if the already logged in to netvisor system.
2. Update Netvisor Status: If the payment is/are done in the netvisor side, this button will fetch all payment records which are available in the netvisor system. And if it's fully paid then the invoice status will be set as a 'Paid' in Odoo.

(Please note that Odoo does not allow any negative amounts payments records. In case that Netvisor contains negative amounts, Odoo will not fetch any of those records.)

Other Features [back]

1. Send products from Odoo to Netvisor: Go to Product list view -> Select products -> Go to Action -> Send Selected Products to Netvisor.
2. Timestamp: When a Sales Invoice has been successfully sent to Netvisor, a timestamp is added to the 'Sent to Netvisor' field in the Sales Invoice list view.
3. Netvisor data: The transferred file (XML) can be downloaded by opening the 'Other Info' tab on invoice form and clicking on the green icon next to the 'Netvisor data' label.

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