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Min-Max Prices on Sales Order

This module allows the user to select which price is set for the selected product on a Sales Order line. The feature is based on the minimum and maximum price configuration and works with the chained pricelists.

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The standard Odoo gets the default product price from pricelist, but with this module the user can set Odoo to use either minimum or maximum price found from the chained pricelist.



Standard Odoo uses the first price found from the pricelist as the sales price. When this module is configured to use the minimum (or maximum) price, Odoo will find the lowest (or highest) price from the chain of pricelists.

Configuration [back]

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  • (A) Standard Odoo configuration can have multiple prices for the product.
  • (B) If multiple product prices setting is set, then this section will be available for selecting one of options.
    (If "minimum price" configuration is set, then product's price which is lowest in all chained pricelists will be used. Or if "maximum price" is set, then the highest price found from the chained pricelists is used.

Chained pricelists [back]

Example of chained pricelists.
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  • (A) Main pricelist has the product and price is set at 30 $
  • (B) Sub pricelist 1 is a chained pricelist under the main pricelist and has product price set at 20 $
  • (C) Sub pricelist 2 is a chained pricelist of Sub pricelist 1 and has product price set at 10 $.

Sales Order with minimum sales price [back]

Sales order with Minimum sales price from chain of pricelists.
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  • (A) "Use minimum sales price" is set.
  • (B) Main pricelist is selected and it has sub pricelist 1 and sub pricelist 2 in chain.
  • (C) As the lowest price of the chain is found from the sub pricelist 2, that price will be used.

Sales Order with minimum sales price [back]

Sales order with Maximum sales price from chain of pricelists.
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  • (A) "Use maximum sales price" is set.
  • (B) Main pricelist is selected and it has sub pricelist 1 and sub pricelist 2 in chain.
  • (C) As the highest price of the chain is found from the main pricelist, that price will be used.
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