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SprintIT Work Order Sorting

This module provides a nice enhancement to Work Order listing by highlighting the deadlines of the Work Orders with different colors.

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Get a clear view on Work Orders and their deadlines with just one look: which Work Orders belong to the past, which are acute this week and which are to be done later in the future.



Easily sort and highlight the MRP Work Orders by their deadlines.
Login to Bitbucket in order to view the resource MRP Production Work Order kanban view shows the :

  • (A) Red: Work Orders from last week or before that
  • (B) Green: Current week's Work Orders
  • (C) White: Future Work Orders
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SprintIT improves its customers' competitiveness and growth potential with Odoo. We constantly develop new Odoo modules to help our customers run their business more smoothly and efficiently. We regularly publish our new modules in the Odoo App Store. SprintIT brings together agility, business understanding and a professional way of working. Our skilled developers can tailor Odoo to meet your needs.

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We are the first Odoo Gold partner in Finland. We are renowned for our professional developers and we want to tailor the ERP solution for you.